Thursday, September 22, 2011

Reflection Journal #1

My name is Ezekiel Martinez. I made this blog for my Digital Design class so I can have my work from my class and share with my classmates and teacher. In this class I have done four labs that were to be made as HTML documents. I have learned a lot so far and will learn more on how to create my own website. Each lab so far has been fun. Were learning how to make custom websites from our ideas onto the computer to make documents that are shown on the internet.
          Lab 1 was our first try on making a HTML document. It was simple but slightly challenging at first because it was something new that I have never done before. We created a Title, heading and a brief description of what we did and how we did it. I learned to use HTML tags to create the document, tags such as <HTML>, <body>, <h1>, and <h2>. Each tag has a purpose. The <h1> and <h2> is your first and second heading. The <HTML> and <body> tags are what you first type to create the document. It is the first and last tags to put in your HTML document.
         Lab 2 was one of my favorite labs because we got to insert a picture of ourselves and write a description about ourselves. Also we changed the color of the font we used and changed the size of it as well. The tags used to change the color of the font was <font=" Color of Font"> and to add a image was <img src=" Name of File"alt="Description"/>.
         Lab 3 was a very challenging lab because we had to add pictures and set them as links to other websites, we used sites such as, and my blog page. It was tough be cause these tags were long and more to write.
        Lab 4 was an ok lab that we learned how to insert tables. We inserted a table with the name of a color and its html code, and a color box that represents it.

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